I use collage, acrylics, photographs, antique paper, text, postal stamps, dollar bills, tarot cards, even insect wings! anything that is interesting for it's color or texture, to create new collages in different formats from canvases, to wood to journals! My new pieces are all for sale, so e-mail me if you're interested, enjoy!

Friday, August 04, 2006

Today I was looking for interesting competitions to enter, and I came across this open call for artists, it's about immigration and the issues it rises. I have been very interested in this theme since I came from Mexico some years ago and even though I am not in a difficult position with the INS, it breaks my heart to know people that are living with the constant fear or being deported any day but have the strength to work as hard as they can. I will say that I know they can't just break the law and expect the government to be ok with that, but there has to be a way to resolve this situation for the ones that are here already.
if you are interested in participating, here's the information on the open call,
Mail Art Project book on the theme of immigration - FL
Deadline: December 31, 2006. Mail Art Project - Sophie Blachet, director of Art Vitam and Valeria Pouza, independent curator, are seeking Mail Art works for an ongoing Mail Art Project book on the theme of immigration. The Mail Art Project will proceed in two phases: Phase One: we will collect over a period of six months (beginning in June 2006), a range of mail art works sent royalty free to be published in book form. Only 100 works will be chosen for inclusion in the book entitled “Mail Art Project 31.12.06/Immigration.” All works will be, however, be exhibited online at http://ganthine.blogspot.com. Phase Two: Beginning of January 2007, Blachet and Pouza will choose 100 works received for publication in the book. Selected artists will be contacted either by regular mail, e-mail or phone by the end of January 2007. Theme: Immigration. Coming, going, staying, living, borders, boundaries, legal, illegal… it’s your call. Format: Anything goes, from postcards, envelopes, to large format works on board and works on paper. No entry fee. Works will be juried, and not returned but exhibited and documented online. No royalties to artists. The book will include one full page reproduction of the work with description of the work, name of artist and artist details (in three languages). If you are interested in participating, please send works to: Mail Art Project 31.12.06/Immigration, P.O Box 975, Miami Beach, FL 33119. For more information please contact: In English/French: sophie@artvitam.com; In Spanish/Espagnol: mailart@artvitam.com


Blogger n. said...

¡chévere! i almost never join competitions but i really want to do this one. i have no idea what i want to enter, but will try to have an idea pronto.

gracias por comentar en mi blog. (^_^)

2:05 PM


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